A downloadable game for Windows and macOS

Celeste-inspired 2D platformer. Instead of dashes you scale platforms.

>> Try holding K while wall jumping<<

Movement: A and D or Arrow Keys (really recommend A and D so you can press K with the other hand)

Jump: Spacebar (Hold to Jump farther)

Grab Wall/Activate Green Platforms: K (Grab regular walls to facilitate wall jumping)

Reset current level: R

Know bugs/quirks

  • I had to remove all in-game text with instructions at the last minute due to a heavy lag when text was present and I couldn't fix it on time. But reading this description and experimenting a bit should get you covered for finishing the game. It's short :)
  • Falling from a wall when you release the movement key towards it. This is really annoying when you're preparing for wall jumping to the opposite site. My recommendation is to just jump without doing anything with the arrow/AD keys and only then resume moving the character. Wall jumping already gives you a bounce against the wall. Not ideal but I couldn't fix this issue better on time.
  • Jumping while on the ground but also touching a wall will give you the bounce from wall jumping unintentionally. This is probably not what you expect because you're on the ground. Just avoid touching the walls while on the ground.
  • Scaling platforms doesn't stop when colliding with other walls. This actually provides some new ways to finish a level but it's actually a bug.
  • The game has no finish screen, it just sends you back to the first level but there is a little bug that you won't be able to keep on playing then if you wish, you'd have to reopen the game.

Final notes

The game is really short as I hadn't much time to dedicate to it but I'm really happy with the concept so far. Hope you enjoy it!

Source code

This game is completely opensource, I made it using a custom engine I'm building on top of MonoGame. You can access the code here: https://github.com/roo-oliv/gmtk-2024gj

Also, despite in very early stages, you can checkout the engine itself, it's called MonoDreams: https://github.com/roo-oliv/monodreams


IntotheMountainCore.win-x64.zip 36 MB
IntotheMountainCore.osx-x64.zip 34 MB

Install instructions


  • Download and unzip the game
  • Execute MonoDreams.Scale.exe


  • Download and unzip the game
  • Open the terminal and go to the unzipped folder using the `cd` command like this: cd ./Downloads/IntotheMountainCore
  • Give the game execution permission by using this command: chmod +x ./MonoDreams.Scale
  • Execute MonoDreams.Scale (this is the game launcher) by using this command: ./MonoDreams.Scale

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